Hyaluronic Acid

February 17, 2023

The Anti-Aging Miracle of Next-Generation Fillers – Aesthefill at Luminisce Clinic

When it comes to delaying the aging process, fillers have long been a go-to. Fillers are an excellent complement to other injectables like Botox since they smooth out wrinkles, plump up hollow regions, and, when used correctly, give the face a general lift. Honestly speaking, I didnt really know I needed it after I was able to undergo the said process. And yes results was seen right after the session. Continue reading and will tell you more about this.
August 27, 2022

No More Oily, Dull, and Enlarged Pores with Luminsce’ Refresh Microtherapy

Refresh Microtherapy now exists in treatments that claim that the pore size can be reduced and grease levels will stay low - keeping those pesky blemishes at bay! If you're ready for refined glowing elegance all over, keep reading.